African American Political Figures

Colorado is the proud home to many African American political figures that have enriched their communities by advancing the cause for social, political and economic equality. Distinguished African American political “firsts” include trailblazers Denver Mayor Wellington Webb, Colorado State Senator Gloria Travis Tanner, Colorado State House of Representative Arie Parks Taylor, and Denver City Councilman Elvin Caldwell, are a few of the many remarkable individuals who assumed leadership roles to address challenges facing African American in Colorado. In spite of the challenges they faced, they raised their voices and pushed through legislation to help facilitate change for future generation of Coloradoans. The Blair-Caldwell African American Research Library houses many of their important personal papers and records. Become inspired by these leaders by browsing through their actual manuscript collection in our Archives. Learn about their lives in public service.

Research Tools

Archives Finding Aids - ArchivesSpace

Finding Aids provide detailed information on papers and materials in the archives collections. The Library's archives include material on the American West, particularly Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Region; on the twentieth-century environmental conservation movement in the United States; and on the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division of World War II. In addition, the Blair Caldwell African American Research Library archives provide important documents regarding the integral role and history of the African Americans in the Rocky Mountain West. 

Digital Collections

Contains a selection of photographs, maps, broadsides, architectural drawings and other documents from the collections of the Western History/Genealogy Department.

Interlibrary Loan & Purchase Suggestions

Search WorldCat to find items Denver Public Library does not own and and place a request. You can also submit a purchase suggestion by filling out a blank request form.

Western History Subject Index

Western History Subject Index (formerly the General Index) card file contains more than seven million entries on four million cards. Developed over the last century, it provides access to newspapers, local histories, biographical works, newsletters and journals.
