Alferd Packer: The Truth is Out There (Or Right Here)

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Thanks for sharing some accounts of the Alferd Packer story. I first learned about him when I was attending CU Boulder and finding out how the Alferd E Packer Grill was given its name.



The Lake City museum has items Packer created while in prison, including a large and beautiful doll house for the warden's daughter. I believe they still race coffins on the main street 4th of july in his honor.


I remember back in the 60's as a young dad had taken us to the site or marker of the dinner event. My little brother asked my dad why Mr. Packer didnt just go into town and eat.


Is this revisionist history really necessary? Is nothing sacred? Can we not eat our Alferd Packer burgers in peace without some one trying to mess up what is a perfectly good story with all this truth? What did you really correct besides the judge's speech? Yosemite Sam, indeed. Please... let us keep our lore of the Old West sans modern day filtering. One last parting shot: you misspelled his name about half the time...


Hi Ron! Sorry to wreck the lore of the Old West for you, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy your Packer burgers.

Also, you are correct in noting that Alferd's name is sometimes spelled, "Alfred," in this blog. That's because we pulled quotes that spelled it that way and we can't really correct those (but we would if we could!). 

Glad you enjoyed this posting and, please, like us on Facebook.

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