Who was the first Black Lawyer in Colorado?

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What a full, fascinating life Hackley led! I suspect that a series of biographies on each of the gentleman attorneys you named would be equally fascinating. Thanks, Sarah.


Lovely article about Edwin Henry , he is my 2nd great uncles son. I have been working on my Ancestry on my Hackley side of family and have read Lisa Brevard book on Edwin. My 2nd great grandfather Marcellus Hackley was Edwin’s uncle. Marcellus also fought in the Civil War.


A portion of the information (below) from the article (above) is inaccurate.

“By 1880, the same family was all marked as “mulatto,” suggesting that they might have been lighter-skinned or multiethnic.”

As an African American who has studied biological anthropology for decades, it is not accurate that “lighter-skinned” people of African origin are “mulatto” or multiethnic. There are darker-skinned (i.e., medium to dark brown) Black people who are biracial, “mulatto” and multiethnic. On the other hand, there are lighter-skinned multigenerational-Subsaharan Africans who have always been light skinned, yet they are not genetically multiethnic, “mulatto” or biracial. Therefore, lighter-skinned people who identify as Black or African American are not always multiethnic, “mulatto” or biracial, due to the people who identify as Black or African American who are darker (i.e., brown) skinned.

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