Letter of Agreement for Use of Photographic Reproductions

To apply for permission to publish or reproduce images from the Denver Public Library Western History collections, please read and agree the following terms for photographic reproductions. This Letter of Agreement does not grant copyright permission but is a contract for permission to use photographs reproduced by our staff. Use in any commercial or editorial medium requires the user to agree to the Denver Public Library Letter of Agreement. Possession of an image does not constitute permission to use it.

Personal Use

  1. Purchased photographs will only be used for personal use and not for commercial or editorial use.
  2. Use the photographs only once and only for the purpose stated in this agreement.
  3. Not allow images to be used out of context or modified in any way that affects the historical integrity of the image.
  4. Not to authorize others to use the items for any reason.

Commercial or Non Profit Use

To apply for permission to publish or reproduce images from the Denver Public Library Western History collections please read and agree to the Denver Public Library Letter of Agreement for Use of Photographic Reproductions below. The Letter of Agreement does not grant copyright permission but is a contract for permission to use photographs reproduced by our staff. Use in any commercial or editorial medium requires the user to agree to the Denver Public Library Letter of Agreement. Possession of an image does not constitute permission to use it. The Denver Public Library reserves the right to decline permission to publishers and individuals who do not agree to the stated terms in the Denver Public Library Letter of Agreement for Use of Photographic Reproductions.

Denver Public Library Letter of Agreement for Use of Photographic Reproductions

For commercial and editorial permission requests only—image reproductions must be ordered separately. Because I intend to use images belonging to the Denver Public Library, Western History Collection for other than personal use, I therefore understand and agree that:

  1. The materials and/or copies are furnished without representation or warranty as to any rights therein and the use thereof shall be entirely at my own risk.
  2. I hereby agree it is my obligation to determine and satisfy any and all third party copyright, rights of ownership or use restrictions when using the materials and/or copies that are furnished.
  3. I hereby agree to defend and indemnify and save and hold you, the Denver Public Library, its agencies, and/or their employees or designates harmless from and against any and all liability, including costs and expenses based on the violation of rights of ownership, infringement of copyright, or invasion of the rights of privacy, or laws of libel resulting from my use of such materials or copies furnished pursuant hereto.
  4. I will not use or authorize others to use the material or copies furnished me for any purpose whatsoever, including all forms of publication or exhibit, except as specifically provided in this agreement, without first obtaining the written consent of the Denver Public Library.
  5. I agree to use any image provided without significantly altering it through any means. Altering the image beyond standard cropping and resizing requires further discussion with the Photographic Sales staff. A cropped image must specify that it is a detail of the full image.
  6. I will supply the following credit line when reproducing materials: The Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, [Call #].
  7. I agree to pay in advance the assessed commercial and editorial permission fees for my use of any images provided.
  8. I am authorized to enter into this agreement on behalf of the organization named on the online order form and enter into the agreement on behalf of that organization and of myself.


Personal Use: The image(s) will be used only in a private home or office. They will not be displayed in a sales area or reproduced for any purpose.

Non-Profit: The image(s) will be published, displayed, or broadcast by a Colorado 501(c)(3) organization. Any profit from the publication, display, or broadcast will go into the account of the non-profit organization and not to an individual or corporation.

Commercial: The image(s) will be published, displayed, or broadcast in a commercial environment for profit. This includes commercial websites representing a person or corporation who sell goods or services.

Colorado Media Company: a publisher or broadcaster whose audience base is primarily within Colorado.

Public Display: Displayed image(s) in a public environment, such as a restaurant, sales office, reception area, or hotel lobby/room.